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Battle Scene Grid

worldmap_battle_scene_grid image together with \ModuleData\sp_battle_scenes.xml define which battle scene will be used in the battle based on the position of the battle on the world map.

Scene selection

The game takes position point's RED value (0..255) and based on this value selects the scene.

Scenes are defined in the \SandBox\ModuleData\sp_battle_scenes.xml

Like this:

    map_indices="86, 35, 121, 122, 59, 55, 56, 57, 63, 110, 117, 144">
            name="Water" />
            name="Mountain" />

map_indices define the point's RED value.

In this example it means, that if position's point RED value is one of those: 86, 35, 121, 122, 59, 55, 56, 57, 63, 110, 117, 144 - then scene battle_terrain_020 can be used in the battle.

Many scenes can have same map_indices and game selects the scene by such algorithm:


GREEN channel should define the orientation how parties enter the battle map - from which side.

Some info about it here


Default file (in \SandBox\ModuleData) is a mess, looks like this:

    map_indices="86, 35, 121, 122, 59, 55, 56, 57, 63, 110, 117, 144">
            name="Water" />
            name="Mountain" />

Looking at the code it seems that only id and map_indices are used, so all this can be simplified to:

<Scene id="battle_terrain_020" map_indices="86, 35, 121, 122, 59, 55, 56, 57, 63, 110, 117, 144" />

Custom sp_battle_scenes.xml

By default game loads every ModuleData/sp_battle_scenes.xml in every mod. Usually that's not what we want because that would create a mess.

It should be possible to overwrite native sp_battle_scenes.xlm with XSLT, but that leaves the possibility that scenes will be loaded from other mods.

This patch loads ONLY our own scenes and eliminates all possible problems:

[HarmonyPatch(typeof(Campaign), "InitializeScenes")]
public class Campaign_InitializeScenes_Patch
    public static bool Prefix()
        GameSceneDataManager.Instance.LoadSPBattleScenes(ModuleHelper.GetModuleFullPath("YOUR_MOD_NAME") + "ModuleData/sp_battle_scenes.xml");
        GameSceneDataManager.Instance.LoadConversationScenes(ModuleHelper.GetModuleFullPath("Sandbox") + "ModuleData/conversation_scenes.xml");
        GameSceneDataManager.Instance.LoadMeetingScenes(ModuleHelper.GetModuleFullPath("Sandbox") + "ModuleData/meeting_scenes.xml");
        return false;


Native's size is 1024x1024, not sure if other sizes would work.

IMPORTANT! Upload it into your mod's Assets folder in Editor and check these settings:
