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Version changes

1.2.9 -> 1.2.10

TextObject.Empty field changed to property


Type: System.MissingFieldException
Message: Field not found: 'TaleWorlds.Localization.TextObject.Empty'.

A simple recompile should fix the crash.

If you are using reflection to reference TextObject.Empty, you need to change AccessTools.Field to AccessTools.Property, or GetField to GetProperty. [order_without_power]

1.1.6 -> 1.2.7

Settlement Prosperity

Moved from settlement to


New field: int minSelectableOptionCount

AddGameMenuOption(string menuId, string optionId, string optionText, GameMenuOption.OnConditionDelegate condition, GameMenuOption.OnConsequenceDelegate consequence, bool isLeave = false, int index = -1, bool isRepeatable = false, object relatedObject = null)