- Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition
+ XML Tools extension - for quick XML validation
- dnSpy - .NET debugger and assembly editor
- BareTail - real-time log monitoring, same as tail -f on Linux but for Windows
- TpacTool - an open source asset explorer which can open TPAC format files, view and export the contents.
- BannerEdge Its purpose is to provide ease of access to native game UI files by splitting the spritesheet atlas images into its individual sprite parts.
- Fmod Bank Tools - Extracts and Rebuilds Fmod .bank files, for example: Mount & Blade II Bannerlord\Sounds\PC\
- BannerlordDataTools - an unnoficial open source modding toolset, based on Unity3D Editor. That contains special editors for all most important moddeable data in Bannerlord.
- XML Translator - This tool finds all the texts in the xml file and translates it into your language.
- SceneFromGIS - Create scenes for video game maps from real geographic data.
- 7-Zip file archiver - Lesser Scholar mentioned that it helps to avoid problems with DLLs
- AssertAutoIgnore - A standalone executable that looks for assert popups while Bannerlord is running and closes them automatically
ripgrep - file grep/search program
Edit System environment variables:
- Usage:
Rhubarb Lip Sync allows you to quickly create 2D mouth animation from voice recordings.