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Custom Audio with LipSync

In this guide I will show how to instruct the character in the game to use our audio and text with lipsync data as in the example above.

I use ChatGPT to generate texts and Synthesia to convert text to audio. There are other tools to accomplish the same task. Choose what you like.

Save your generated audio to the OGG file. I use Audacity for this task.

Audacity usage

File names

Based on the file name game engine selects which file to use. File names should follow the rules.


VOICETYPE (TW calls them personas) are described in Sandbox\ModuleData\voice_strings.xml. There are 4 of them:


Examples (more in \SandBox\ModuleData\Languages\VoicedLines\EN\PC):

VOICETYPE is assigned in XML, like this:
<NPCCharacter id="aserai_troop_civilian_template_t3"

It is important to know the VOICETYPE of the character you want to add custom audio to. If I have male sturgian with VOICETYPE 'earnest', my audio file names will look like this:


ID can be numeric or made from random letters. TW uses both, check \SandBox\ModuleData\Languages\VoicedLines\EN\PC. As the maximum ID from TW is 020, I used IDs starting from 100 to be safe. Maybe it's a good idea to make ID unique per-mod, so different mods would not conflict.

LipSync XML

When you have audio file(s) you need, use Rhubarb Lip Sync to generate XML with LipSync data from your OGG file(s).

I use .bat script to generate LipSync XML from all OGG files at once in D:
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for %%f in (D:\*.ogg) do (
    set "filename=%%~nf"
    echo !filename!
    rhubarb.exe -f xml -o D:\!filename!.xml D:\!filename!.ogg

XML files should be generated for each OGG file with the same file name. Like this:

XML looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mouthCue start="0.00" end="0.15">X</mouthCue>
    <mouthCue start="0.15" end="0.33">F</mouthCue>
    <mouthCue start="0.33" end="0.40">B</mouthCue>
    <mouthCue start="0.40" end="0.54">G</mouthCue>
    <mouthCue start="0.54" end="0.68">C</mouthCue>
    <mouthCue start="0.68" end="0.75">B</mouthCue>
    <mouthCue start="0.75" end="0.89">E</mouthCue>
    <mouthCue start="0.89" end="1.50">X</mouthCue>
    <mouthCue start="1.50" end="1.67">B</mouthCue>
    <mouthCue start="1.67" end="1.81">F</mouthCue>
    <mouthCue start="1.81" end="1.95">B</mouthCue>
    <mouthCue start="1.95" end="2.05">X</mouthCue>

Ignore: <soundFile>D:\sturgian_male_earnest_101.ogg</soundFile>, correct audio file will be used anyway.

Folder structure


                XML and OGG files here
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<LanguageData id="English">
  <VoiceFile xml_path="VoicedLines/voiced_lines_en.xml" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Base xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" type="string">
        <VoiceOver id="AUDIO_ID">
          <Voice path="VoicedLines/EN/$PLATFORM/sturgian_male_earnest_101" />

Copy your XML/OGG file(s) to \ModuleData\Languages\VoicedLines\EN\PC and add information about it/them into \ModuleData\Languages\VoicedLines\voiced_lines_en.xml

Playing audio in dialogs

In AddDialogLine conditionDelegate add line:

MBTextManager.SetTextVariable("VOICED_LINE", "{=AUDIO_ID}" + textLine, false);

AUDIO_ID is from voiced_lines_en.xml . Make your own.

textLine is some text.

If you leave textLine empty, you will get such error:

Then in AddDialogLine use VOICED_LINE like this:

starter.AddDialogLine("bookvendor_talk", "bookvendor_yes", "bookvendor_yes_resp", "{=!}{VOICED_LINE}", () =>
    string textLine = "Pleasure doing business with you. [ib:hip][rb:positive][rf:happy]";
    MBTextManager.SetTextVariable("VOICED_LINE", "{=AUDIO_ID}" + textLine, false);
    return true;
}, null, 110, null);

If everything is set correctly, your character will start moving his mouth based on the played audio.

Custom Voice Lines

Code provided by Noxix [ADOD, KOA, ER, EL, IAF]:

using HarmonyLib;
using TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem;
using TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignBehaviors;
using TaleWorlds.Localization;

public class CustomDialoguePatch
    public static bool Prefix(CampaignGameStarter starter)
        // Custom introduction for ADODLord_3
        starter.AddDialogLine("custom_adodlord_3_intro", "lord_introduction", "lord_start",
            "My unique introduction text for ADODLord_3.",
            () => Hero.OneToOneConversationHero.StringId == "ADODLord_3" && !Hero.OneToOneConversationHero.HasMet, null, 1000); // Higher priority and first meeting check

        // Custom voiced line for ADODLord_3
        starter.AddDialogLine("custom_adodlord_3_voiced", "start", "lord_meet_player_response",
            "My custom voiced line for ADODLord_3.",
            () => Hero.OneToOneConversationHero.StringId == "ADODLord_3" && !Hero.OneToOneConversationHero.HasMet, null, 1000); // Higher priority and first meeting check

        // Continue with the original AddDialogs logic
        return true;
using TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem;
using TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.ComponentInterfaces;
using TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.GameComponents;
using TaleWorlds.Localization;

namespace Models
    internal class CustomVoiceOverModel : VoiceOverModel
        VoiceOverModel DefaultModel = new DefaultVoiceOverModel();

        public override string GetAccentClass(CultureObject culture, bool isHighClass)
            return DefaultModel.GetAccentClass(culture, isHighClass);

        public override string GetSoundPathForCharacter(CharacterObject character, VoiceObject voiceObject)
            if (voiceObject == null) { return string.Empty; }

            foreach (string path in voiceObject.VoicePaths)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path) && path.Contains("custom_voice"))
                    string vp = path.Replace("$PLATFORM", "PC");
                    return vp;

            // If no custom voice line is found, return an empty string to prevent vanilla voice lines from playing
            return string.Empty;