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Team Colors

Base Layer

Make sure you have white-light gray color on the parts where you will want team colors to be applied on top (dark base color will mess up the team color):


Then you will need a mask (diffuse texture). Example:

  • Black - will leave original texture / no change here
  • Red - marks where the game will put primary team color
  • Green - secondary team color


Set this mask as Diffuse2Map and check use_double_colormap_with_mask_texture:


Then in XML in the item's description make sure you have:

<Flags UseTeamColor="true"/>

Color Variations

You can give half values to the color mask textures, something like 0.5. Then it will use both the base texture and the faction's team color in a blended way:

Horse Armor Problem

Team colors on horse armors/caparisons are not supported by the game. Bug report here.